Why ASA?
Why ASA…
Facts Matter!
When you hire an ASA accredited appraiser you hire valuation expertise. ASA accredited appraisers bring vast experience, deep and intimate knowledge of the market and industry along with your appraisal. ASA-accredited appraisers are experts. The arduous ASA accreditation process produces ASA accredited appraisers that are well versed, impartial, and credible. ASA accredited appraisers have specific education and experience in their specialties, honed by years of work and continuing education. ASA accredited appraisers are respected members of their professional communities. ASA accredited appraisers can deliver independent, unbiased valuations backed by years of experience and education that ensure your property, asset, art, gems, jewelry, machinery or intangible assets is valued by the highest professional standards.
ASA Accredited Appraisers:
Have five (5) years minimum experience
Have completed rigorous evaluation, testing and peer review
Are required to re-certify every five (5) years
Adhere to the ASA’s Principles of Appraisal Practice and Code of Ethics
Have completed a rigorous education curriculum of a minimum one hundred sixty (160) hours.
Benefits of Membership and Participation in Boston ASA
The Boston Chapter of the American Society of Appraisers consists of 186 respected, professional appraisers and appraisal professionals covering all disciplines of appraisal. The accredited members (AM) and Senior Accredited Members (ASA) are distinguished in their fields for their proficiency, knowledge and expertise within their discipline. The Boston Chapter provides education opportunities, networking and an unparalleled resource for both professional appraisers and users of appraisals. Accredited members of Boston ASA provide professional opinions of value across six (6) disciplines of appraisal practice. No other professional appraisal organization in the Northeast provides the breadth of expertise as ASA Boston does. Membership is open to appraisers who wish to elevate their professional expertise and gain accreditation through ASA Education and to users of appraisers including Bankers, Attorneys, Trust Administrators, Probate Jurists, Turnaround Managers, Venture, Vulture and Angel Investors, Tax Assessors and all other users of appraisals.
Why should I join if I am not a Professional Appraiser?
The opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the development of an appraisal and appraisal practice, network with appraisal professionals and leverage beneficial relationships with the leading experts in the appraisal field along educational opportunities and specific subject seminars provides users of appraisals with a valuable membership benefit in Boston ASA.
Whether you are an appraiser with a drive for advancement and professional accreditation or a user of appraisals, The Boston Chapter of the American Society of Appraisers is useful, beneficial and valuable investment. Please join us at our next meeting!
“Your property demands a professional appraiser of the highest caliber. When you need valuation work, turn to your trusted source: An ASA Accredited Appraiser.”
Interested in Membership ASA - Boston Chapter?
Email: info@bostonasa.com
Phone: 401.792.4300
Please complete the form below with detailed information.